On Saturday the 3rd of July, my family and I decided to clean our house. We used blue microfibre towels, sweeping brushes and dust pans. The house was really dirty!
I started in the kitchen. My mum told me to mop the whole kitchen until it was colourless. Of course, my mum was joking. She meant she want it to be spot less. It only took me 5 minutes to clean before it looked quite good, so I rinsed the towel and went to the bathroom to mop the floor.
The bathroom was a small place so it took me less than two minutes to wipe the floor of the bathroom. Soon the bathroom floor was sparkling clean. Then my mum told me to wipe the floor of my bedroom.
I wiped my bedroom's floor and had a hard time doing it because there were a lot of hard to reach places. I had to mop underneath my bunk bed that my sister and I sleep's on. I had to hold on to the ladder and wipe with my feet. After that, I had to go under the bed to wipe the corners. Finally, after that I was done.
My favourite part of the day was when I mopped the bathroom because that was the fastest room for me to clean. It was very tiring. I think I might try dragging the towels to be more efficient next time.
Learning Intention: We are learning to follow the structure of a recount.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I write the orientation, followed by the events and then the conclusion of my day cleaning up the house.`