
Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Being Mortal or Immortal

In Religious Education we were talking about Mortal and Immortal.
After creating a brief explanation, we then has to consider an image that represented our understanding.

Image result for spaceRecognise that the Soul is the spiritual dimension of a person.

What is the difference between Mortal and Immortal?

Being Mortal means having a Physical death, but living forever after your death.  A Physical death means your body dies, but your Soul lives on. Our Souls are Immortal themselves, because they live forever, leaving our body to decompose.

Difference between infinite and being immortal.

Infinite means to go on forever, like our Space. Being immortal means to have immortal life.

The Gift of the Body and Soul

At the moment of their conception, God begins a relationship with each person.

A person's soul permeates who the whole person is.

God breathes life into a person's soul which will never die.

The soul is the gift by which people are connected to God.

Each person is a unique and sacred work of art created by God.

Parents give the gift of the body but God creates the soul that gives life to a person.

I have a soul which was created by God by Breathing life into it.