The first thing that we did was to stand and form a circle and say a little bit about ourselves. I introduced my name, my age and what I wanted to be when I grow up. After that we did some warm ups by jogging to the end of the court and back. My other classmates were more like running instead of jogging because they thought that it was a race. I was doing what I was told to do, I just jogged. Next, we had to stretch doing big steps forward. I tried to go as slow as I can so I can feel my muscles getting stretched but in the end I ended up going fast. The next warm up was to balance. We had to stand with one foot, balance our body weight then bump each other so we can learn how to control and not fall.
Afterwards, we had to get a partner and get a ball to pass it to one another. My partner was new to St. Patrick’s school, that’s why I partnered up with him. Matej, my partner, and I were doing chest passes to each other because the coach said so. We needed to get up to ten but we were always dropping the ball. After two failed attempts of getting the perfect scores, my partner and I finally did it and we were so happy. But what we did not expect was that it would lead us to a more challenging activity. We needed to get further and further back every time we got ten passes. At first, it was difficult but then we got the hang of it so it became quite easy.
Then, we had to go in teams with one ball and each team contains three people. Lucky me because I just had to team up with the good ones, Vaughan and Soane. There was a bit of confusion for me during the practise. They were going way too fast for me to focus but in the end I mastered the skill and I did well. So it just went smoothly as we swapped for the ball. Then we got called by our coaches who made us gather around them. Our teacher instructed me to tell the next class that the coaches were ready for them. It made me miss the warm down which was some random stretches but I did not mind at all.
My favourite part of the day was when I had to partner up with the new student because it just felt like I was able to help him by teaching him some skills about netball. That was the most fun netball session with fantastic coaches, Tina and Mark.
Learning intention: We are learning to write a recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I follow the structure of a recount: orientation, events and conclusion.
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